Fall 2024

Tracy McGrady hosts barbecue to feed victims of Hurricane Harvey

Giving joyfully to others.

God calls us to do just that. To take our time, our talent and our treasure and help others, love others, serve others, and give back to others.

On Labor Day, Basketball Hall of Famer Tracy McGrady, did just that, hosting a barbecue at Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.

“We put it together in less than 24 hours,” McGrady told the Houston Chronicle. We have a lot of food, a lot of friends and family helping out. We’re going to feed the whole community. There is a lot to go around a couple times. That’s a small thing. The biggest thing is to get people away from the devastation to bring some happiness, some joyous times and some laughter. We all need that.”


McGrady and his wife, CleRenda, live in Houston, but with their house being situated on a hill, they were spared from the damage that many others in the area endured.

“There are a lot of Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. What was important to us was to serve an area that already needed an extra boost,” CleRenda McGrady told the Chronicle. “That’s why we decided to come to this particular area: to show them some extra love. Labor Day is all about barbecue, so we wanted to bring the barbecue to them.”


“You have to be cold-blooded to witness this and see what’s transpired and not want to do anything,” Tracy McGrady said. “The smallest thing will help, whether that’s donating money, time, some items, something. I think we can all do that. It helps us feel good that we’re helping people who are in need. It’s just a thing you need to do.”

This Friday, Tracy McGrady will get inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame with the rest of the class of 2017. But it was Monday, with his wife, on 24 hours notice, that the McGrady family showed how to be true Hall of Famers.

“Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you.” – Deuteronomy 16:17