Fall 2024

THE INCREASE: Luke Weaver - A Little Courage

Each year the Cardinals host a Christian Day — an event held after a day game where fans can gather to hear the Gospel from their team’s players. This year was my second year having the privilege of being a part of it and it was a great blessing. After the game, those of us on the team who were ready to share our faith in Jesus Christ with the crowds, popped out of the dugout to see thousands of fans gathering in the seats behind us to hear our stories. It was very inspiring to see just how many people took the time to be there.

We had an emcee, our manager Mike Matheny, and other speakers come onto the field to proclaim the name of Jesus and what He’s done in their lives, along with players Adam Wainwright, Matt Carpenter, Jack Flaherty and myself. Adam hosted a question-and-answer time with us, his teammates, where we could share a bit of what’s been on our hearts this season.

Public speaking is not the easiest thing for me. It’s not like baseball where you just go out and do your job; you really have to think about the words you want to say and how to articulate what it is that you want people to understand about you. But in that setting — surrounded by so many people of faith, as well as teammates who also follow Christ, and having the opportunity to talk about something I truly believe in — it wasn’t that difficult.

In fact, more than anything, it was a great opportunity. I was able to share about my daily Bible reading and how that new aspect of my life, which I implemented this year, has really impacted me. I was able to talk about the accountability I hold with my Christian teammates and how we are able to encourage and challenge each other, both in person and through text chains, about what it is we’re learning in the Bible.

One of my teammates shared about the importance of a consistent prayer life and how we need to not just ask God for things, but talk to God and intentionally spend time with Him through prayer. Another teammate talked about what it looks like to have God with you on the field while playing, being thankful for this opportunity to do what we love. In all these things, we want people to know that we trust God is in control and it’s Him we play for.

Christian Day is a chance for me to not only share, but to learn from the testimonies of my teammates and those within our organization who choose to be involved. And it’s not only the older players I’m able to learn from, but the younger ones as well. Everyone has a different way of sharing their faith, and by hearing these stories, it challenges me to share my own story in a deeper, more authentic way.

Everyone has a platform. It doesn’t matter how big or how small it is, we all have people we know and people whose lives we can touch with the truth of Christ’s salvation message. Whether you are speaking in front of a stadium or simply walking across the street to a neighbor, there’s always a place to share the Good News. It just takes a little courage and confidence.

— Luke Weaver, St. Louis Cardinals pitcher

The Increase, part of the Sports Spectrum Network, is a community of Christian pro athletes sharing their personal stories of the decrease of self and the increase of Christ (John 3:30). Visit TheIncrease.com for more stories and videos.