Spring 2025

Daily Devotional - Friday April 14, 2017

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” John 15:4

NASCAR Trinity – Part I

It might be a stretch, but follow with me as we go on a three-day journey. Until I moved to Charlotte, N.C., I was never much of a fan of NASCAR. I didn’t understand it, I didn’t appreciate it, I just didn’t like it. But now having experienced it firsthand by being at a race, I have great appreciation for it and actually enjoy it. As I learned more about it, something really struck me, something I want to share with you. We are going to look at the roles of the crew chief, the pit crew, and the spotter – and I’ll relate it to the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Father.

The role of the crew chief is to be the overseer of any and all changes made to the driver’s care, before, during and after races. It is essential for the driver and the crew chief to have a great relationship to be successful. They need to be in constant communication. The driver needs to tell the crew chief what he feels about the car and the chief can guide and direct responses to what can and cannot be adjusted. The relationship between Jimmie Johnson, one of the best drivers in NASCAR, and his crew chief, Chad Knaus, has been heralded as one of the best in all of NASCAR. The only evidence needed is the three consecutive Cup Series championships.

For us as believers to drive our cars to success, we must also be in close relationship with our crew chief, Jesus Christ. This means we must abide daily in the Word, we must be in daily prayer and supplication, and we must be humble enough to give up control. This does not mean we must spend our whole day reading scripture or praying; Jimmie doesn’t talk to Chad continuously throughout the race, but he does talk throughout the race in short bursts.

As you drive through your day at break-neck speeds, make sure you are talking to your crew chief.

Ryan DiNunzio

(PHOTO CREDIT: Denise Rosser)