Fall 2024

Daily Devotional - Tuesday May 23, 2017

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” – Ephesians 6:11

Battle Equipment

During the majority of my baseball “career” (as short as it was) I was a catcher. Catching is a great position because you are in on ever play and you have to know who is where and what the situation is at all times. There is no way you can be bored as a catcher – not if you want to be any good – you are in the battle every second.

I became a catcher in little league because I was the only person on the team who was not “bat blind” (I didn’t blink when the batter swung). It was not my chosen position, I had always been a first baseman to that point; but to help the team I c hanged.

At first I hated it. Putting all that gear on and taking it off to bat – hurrying to get it back on – I just didn’t like it. Then all at once, I developed a love for the position; I began to see the catcher’s gear as my “battle” equipment. I couldn’t play the position without the equipment.

In the same way we are instructed to put on the whole armor of God. Notice something about the armor – it’s the equipment you need to engage in the battle. You can’t go to war without it.

As I catcher I didn’t put the equipment on and then sit on the bench. I put the equipment on and went into the field to engage in “battle.” Same with the armor of God; He instructs us to put it on, but not to just sit on the sidelines. We are to get out and engage in spiritual battle as God’s warrior.