Fall 2024

Daily Devotional - Tuesday August 1, 2017

“Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore…” —John 21:4 (NIV)

There He Stands

In the last chapter of the Gospels, John describes a final encounter with Jesus by the Sea of Galilee, which includes one last miracle and a crucial conversation where marching orders are issued. It starts with Jesus standing on the shore.

In John 21:3, Peter says “I’m going out to fish,” and Thomas, Nathanael, James, John, and two others follow him. After a night on the water and an empty net, they head back to find Jesus looking out at them.

Imagine what Jesus was feeling as He watched these men in the boat. They spent three years together. He invested so much time, teaching, and emotion in them. They followed, failed, and at times, struggled to understand what Jesus was doing. Yet, they were His disciples—His friends. And here He was, showing up for them again.

Psalm 103 describes God as “compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love.” He looks at you as a loving father looks at His child. Knowing how God views you sets the foundation of your relationship with Him. God’s not angry or distant, He looks on you with great compassion. He is for you. You are chosen and loved!

As you wake each morning, Jesus stands on the shore. He wants to lead you, longs to be with you, and sees you as His treasured child. Be still, feel His presence, and know His love for you today.

– Len Vanden Bos, Buffalo Bills Chaplain