Spring 2025

Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional - Wednesday, October 11, 2017

“I seek you with all of my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119: 10-11)

God’s Playbook

Quarterback is probably the toughest position in all of sports, partly because of how mentally challenging it is. To be a great quarterback, you have to know the playbook inside and out and spend hours upon hours memorizing it. While the other positions just need to know what their job is on a certain play, the quarterback needs to know what everyone is doing on every play. If a quarterback has to react to something unexpected and doesn’t have the playbook mastered, that offense is in big trouble.

Just like football teams, Christians have a playbook too; the Bible! We are called to use God’s word as the blueprint for our lives. When we are faced with a tough situation or in need of some guidance, the first place we should turn is the Bible. It spells out the way that God wants His people to live their lives and is really the base of the Christian faith. 

One of the best ways to stay closely connected to God is reading and absorbing the Bible. The more we read it, the more we understand what it truly means to be a Christian. And, we need to strive to know it inside and out the same way a quarterback knows a playbook. That way, we can be ready in any situation to stay rooted in the Gospel and have our faith in Christ being the driving force behind our lives.

We should all work toward becoming masters of God’s playbook!

Joshua Doering

If you would like to submit a reader devotional, please email all submissions to jason@sportsspectrum.com