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Daily Devotional: Wednesday, January 4 - Teaching Your Future Self

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” — Galatians 6:7

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Did you read the article about the 26-year-old who picked up a soccer ball for the first time and within two weeks signed with Atlético Madrid? It’s incredible. And by incredible I mean not credible. It didn’t happen and never will. While we all have gifts, and some of those talents are absolutely mind-blowing, the truth is that you don’t overnight become someone who can perform at that high of a level, no matter how amazing your gift is.

Have you heard about the guy who squandered all his money and then one day woke up as an amazing investor and saver? Or the guy who lied his whole life about everything but never had an issue being honest with his wife? No, you have never heard of those stories either. That’s because the same principle applies: The best indicator of our future actions is what we are currently doing.

So many people go through life living some variation of this lie: One day, after I’ve lived life serving myself and my desires, I’m going to flip a switch and become a responsible husband, or a wise manager of my money, or a great example as a father, or a person with a good relationship with God. But here is the truth: What you are doing today is preparing you to do the same in the future. Your current self is teaching your future self how to live right now. “A man reaps what he sows” (Galatians 6:7).

Based on your investments right now, who will you be in 10 years? Who do you want to be?

— Steve Hawthorne, New York Red Bulls chaplain

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