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Daily Devotional: Friday, March 31 - Distracted

“But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.” — Luke 10:40

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“Martha was distracted” — that punched me right in the gut. What about you? How many times has distraction kept you from something? Get distracted in training, and you’ll come up short in the game. Get distracted in school, and you won’t make the grade. Get distracted on the highway, and you’ll miss your exit. I’ve read, and have been warned, that if the enemy can’t make you sin, he will distract you.

I think back and wonder how many opportunities to experience Jesus I missed out because I was too distracted. There’s no doubt I have missed numerous God moments because my eyes — rather, my heart — weren’t open and aware. I had my own set of blinders on and was so focused on my needs, wants, schedule and agenda that I missed it. Actually, I missed Him.

What we learn from Luke 10:38-42 is that Mary didn’t miss Him. She stopped and sat at Jesus’ feet. She experienced God Himself, and listened to what He said. She was actually having a conversation with the God of this universe!

Martha, on the other hand, was distracted. She got so busy with things — actually, good things — that she missed out on experiencing Jesus.

What distracts you? Most of the time, we can get distracted with very good things. See, our enemy — the devil — is tricky. He’s subtle. He doesn’t necessarily distract us with the big things, but instead with many small things that get our eyes off focus and our minds to start drifting. Before we know it, we are too distracted and too busy to spend time with God.

As I reflect back on our quarantine time just a few years ago, I’ve asked God what He would want me to learn. My type-A personality is go-go-go, stay busy, check off my to-do list, stick to my agenda and plans. God said to me, “Chill. Slow down. Don’t rush your quiet time. Wait. Be patient. Be still. Know Me better. Get as close to Me as you possibly can. Don’t be distracted. Focus. Grow. Pray. Reflect. Journal. Pray more. Read. Grow more. Listen to that podcast. Take notes. Read more. Encourage people. Reach out. Above all, love Me, love others.”

As I have now found my new post-quarantine “normal,” my prayer is that I don’t slip back into my “Martha mentality.” I pray daily to stay focused and not get so distracted that I miss when Jesus shows up in my life. My prayer for you is that you don’t become too distracted and busy that you miss Jesus and what He may be saying or calling you to do.

Prayer: “I’m so sorry, God, for the times I’ve missed You. Help me to be a Mary, and sit at Your feet and truly experience You by listening and growing. May my focus be undivided on who You are and what You do. Please remove the distractions and so-called ‘busyness’ of my life.

— Jim Good

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