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Daily Devotional: Tuesday, March 19 - Do The Math

“And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” — Matthew 10:30

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Depending on hair color, gender, genetics and general health, the average human head has 90,000-150,000 hairs. And the number of hairs on any one person’s head is constantly changing, as the average person loses 50-100 hairs a day. So Jesus’ words — “And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matthew 10:30, Luke 12:7) — are meant to reinforce the truth of God’s continual, intentional care for us, even amidst constant changes in our lives.

Nothing in our lives escapes God’s attention and care. Psalm 121:4 reminded the children of Israel that “he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” The superscription of Psalm 121 designates it as a “song of ascents.” These were travel songs the Israelites would sing on their pilgrimages to Jerusalem for religious celebrations. As they journeyed, spending nights on the road, they reminded themselves that God’s care is unending and without interruption.

Change is a reality in our lives. Sometimes changes are the result of our personal choices and are expected. Other times, changes are not planned and are quite unexpected. In either case, we can be thankful that a sovereign God is ever-present in our lives through every change and circumstance.

Regardless of the changes in our lives, there is One who doesn’t change and always cares for us. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

— Jeff Totten, Detroit Tigers chaplain

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