Fall 2024

Daily Devotional: Friday, August 30 - Time Alone with God

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” — John 15:5

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I grew up in a small town outside of Pittsburgh, playing tag with my younger brothers and friends. We would play “it” tag, “freeze” tag, and even “bike” tag. As I think of that word “tag,” I’m reminded of the acronym T.A.G., which stands for Time Alone with God.

Coaches, athletes, leaders, husbands and wives: Spend time alone with God. Carve out some intentional time to focus on your relationship with Him. This could be early in the morning, later in the evening, or even in the middle of the afternoon. The exact time is not as important as is the daily habit of connecting with God.

This intentional time could be reading some key verses or a specific chapter found in God’s Word, reading a devotional, having a time of prayer, or writing in a journal. This focused alone time with God could involve listening to praise and worship or an encouraging podcast or sermon, or incorporating a gratitude or prayer walk.

I’m learning the importance of sitting still at Jesus’ feet. I’m asking God to remove any distractions, busyness or activities to focus on being in His presence. Too many times I’ve had the “Martha mentality” of doing rather than sitting like her sister, Mary, and being (Luke 10:38-42). We are all human beings, not human doings. I’m learning when I’m in His presence, I can hear Him speak. I’m actually close enough and quiet enough to hear His whisper. The whispers of love, encouragement and being reassured that He’s got me, has called me, says I’m enough, I’m His, He loves me and died for me, and He’s proud of me.

Proximity and focus matters to God. Many times we are too busy doing rather than being. I was just reminded that every Christian should spend at least 30 minutes a day in prayer. Unless they’re really busy, then they need an hour. You may have heard the saying, “If you are too busy to pray, then you are too busy.” Focusing our attention on God and having this intentional quiet time of connection allows us to humble and quiet our hearts to hear His.

My encouragement is this: Strive to connect daily with God so you can love, serve, impact, encourage and eventually live like Jesus. May we respond as Samuel did in the Old Testament: “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:7-11).

Prayer: Dear God, my heart’s desire is to spend quality time with You. May I have a hunger and desire to grow in my walk with You by reading Your Word and being more intentional in my prayer time. Amen.

— Jim Good

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