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Daily Devotional: Wednesday, November 6 - A Pleasing Aroma

“Then Aaron’s sons are to burn it on the altar on top of the burnt offering that is lying on the burning wood; it is a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the Lord.” — Leviticus 3:5

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There’s nothing quite like attending a baseball game in person. As kids scurry by with mountains of cotton candy in their hands, the pace of play allows for conversations amongst longtime friends in between pitches. Plus, the weather is often perfect for a relaxing summer day.

Yet one of the most enjoyable aspects of being at a baseball game (aside from your team getting a victory, of course) is the smells. Hot dogs grill in the back while a fresh pizza is pulled from the oven. The smell of the nearby peanut concession stand is calling your name, and if your seat is good enough, you may even be able to smell the newly cut grass.

Believe it or not, pleasant smells are also part of how God relates to His people. In the giving of the Old Testament law, many of the sacrifices the Israelites were to give to God were burned so as to emit an “aroma pleasing to the Lord.” Sometimes, a sweet-smelling resin called frankincense was added to increase the pleasantness of the smell. For hundreds of years, the Israelites were to follow the sacrificial system of burnt offerings, sin offerings, wave offerings, grain offerings and others in order to please God and atone for the sins of the people.

Yet for many Jewish people in Jesus’ day, following the Old Testament law had sadly become an endeavor in works righteousness — they believed that they had to earn God’s favor by upholding the law, even as their hearts strayed far from Him.

Actually, the entirety of the Old Testament law — including the sacrificial system — pointed to Christ. He was the fulfillment of the law, the true Great High Priest and the only Lamb whose sacrifice never needs repeating. He came to die for His people, so as to take the penalty of their sins upon Himself and reconcile us to the Father.

But the story doesn’t end there. Christ also lived a perfect life, and His perfect record is credited to us. Second Corinthians 2:15 describes Christ’s work as a pleasing aroma: “For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” In other words, if you are in Christ, His gift to you of His righteousness means that your very life is a pleasing aroma to the Father.

No longer do we have to perform sacrifices time and time again in order to please God. Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross for us. What God desires is that your heart repents when you fail, that you turn from sin, and that you trust anew in the goodness and grace of Christ to “purify [you] from all unrighteousness.

In this way, you are a pleasing aroma to God.

— Kevin Mercer

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