Spring 2025

Daily Devotional: Thursday, January 30 - Time Is Ticking

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” — Ecclesiastes 3:1

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The year 2024 is gone and 2025 is here. Where did 2024 go? Most of us in the field of athletics are doers; we strive for excellence in just about everything we do. That can fill up a schedule.

Our personal schedules get packed with so many events to attend, games to coach or play, practices, games to scout, film to watch, talks to give and family obligations to fulfill. You may look at your weekly schedule for next week and just shake your head.

Have you taken the time — yes, I said taken the time — to ask God to help you with your schedule? No matter your profession, sport, hobby or ministry. As a coach, it can be a struggle maintaining a schedule that doesn’t get overfilled. Coaches can be put on a pedestal and many people want access to them. Coaches can be asked to speak at the local church’s men’s breakfast, or speak at the Christian school’s chapel service, or the Rotary Club, etc. It’s hard to say no. However great these events might be, we need to go to Jesus and ask Him first.

We need help from Jesus on how we prioritize our schedule to meet God’s schedule. Author Boyd Bailey said, “Prayerfully align your daily/weekly tasks with your core values and long-term goals. Make a to-do list, use a calendar, and regularly refresh both. Yes, time flies, but God is the pilot, you are the co-pilot, the Bible is your instrument panel, and prayer is your radio to communicate with the pilot! You have the time. God never asks you to accomplish something without giving you the time and resources to do it. The key is aligning your priorities with His purpose.”

All of us can get caught up in taking on too much, so let’s start going to Jesus first. Ask Him to guide you through your days and weeks ahead. When you do this, you will discover the stress and anxiety will eventually disappear, and you will start to accomplish more for Him than you could imagine.

— Mr. Jan Hethcock

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