Spring 2025

Devotional of the Week -- The Fourth Soil


799px-Kansas-Basketball-Staff-Nov-15-07-Washburn“But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirty fold, some sixty and some a hundred.” Mark 4:8

In 2004 Bill Self left Illinois as head basketball coach and went to Kansas. He later won a national title in 2008. Illinois then hired Bruce Weber, former coach at Southern Illinois University, to replace Self. Since Self stressed offense and Weber stressed defense, the first year was difficult for the returning players, adjusting to a new coach and new coaching style.

The next year, Weber was quoted as saying he was glad the players had “bought in” to his system. They finished the year 37-2 and made it to the NCAA Championship game, losing to North Carolina.

The phrase “bought in” occurs often in sports when there is a managerial or coaching change. It means the players are willing to listen and implement what brand of play the coach desires.

In Mark 4, the parable of the sower and its explanation are given by Jesus. He said there are four soils where God’s Word may fall. I think I’ve been in all four. The first, I just wasn’t listening to the Word. In the second, I listened for a while. In the third, I listened but was distracted. In the fourth soil, I listened and “bought in.”

In which soil are you? Are you listening to God’s voice? Are you distracted? Be in the fourth soil. “Buy in” to what God is saying. Be fruitful for Him.

By Stanley Tucker

Stanley Tucker writes devotionals for Sports Spectrum magazine. This devotional is taken from our most recent Training Table. Log in here to access our most recent Training Table. Subscribe here to receive 12 issues a year and a daily sports-related devotional.