Spring 2025

Friday February 24, 2017 - Daily Devotional

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8

The Greatest Gift

Being able to play in the NBA is the biggest privilege anyone could ever ask for, but for me it is the greatest opportunity I have been given to spread the Gospel to people.

There are many people who look up to me, figuratively and physically, and I know I can have an impact on them. My goal every day is to handle myself in a Gospel-centered manner and be able to show my faith to people through my actions. When I get the opportunity, there is no greater joy than to be able to share the Gospel with someone.

The forgiveness that I have been able to receive through Christ is the greatest gift I have ever received in my life, and I love being able to help others be able to receive that gift, or just simply give them encouragement in their faith. There are challenges along the way, but I wouldn’t give up that gift for any challenge, difficulty or anything the world can offer.

It truly is a gift that I do not deserve, but through God’s grace we are all forgiven for all of our sins. This is something that I love to be able to talk about with believers and nonbelievers, alike. Being able to talk with believers is a great way for me to grow my faith and talking with nonbelievers is a way to help grow God’s kingdom. There is no greater joy than to be able to see someone accept Christ into their life and receive this great gift that we have all been given, if we will only trust in Christ fully and completely.


(photo courtesy: Erik Drost)