Spring 2025

ONE COACH: Learning From the Best

“Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” – Philippians 1:6

During my fourth year with the Cincinnati Reds, I found myself losing confidence in my throwing ability. I needed help. So my manager brought in the greatest catcher in all of baseball history: Johnny Bench. Johnny had played the game so long, he understood my situation. I hung on every word he said that day, excited to put everything I was learning into practice.

When Johnny Bench helped me with my throwing, I saw great improvement. It was good to know I could go to him for instruction, but in the end, I was still no Johnny Bench. No one confused the two of us.

As followers of Christ, we need to hang on every word that comes from the lips of Jesus and the totality of God’s word. When we listen to God’s Word, learn from God’s Word, and live out God’s Word, our lives will be transformed.

We are to live out what we say we believe through the help of the Holy Spirit, letting God’s Word impact us. And when we do, something incredible will happen: People will see a change in us that will certainly have an effect on them as well. They will start to see Jesus in us. Though no one will ever confuse us with Him, they can say we look like Him in the way we live our lives.

Will you commit to do these three things with God’s Word so God can do a good work in you? Let us know on the OneCoach Facebook page or on twitter @_OneCoach_.

– Eddie Taubensee, Former MLB Catcher for 11 seasons, Director of Baseball Ministries for The Increase and hitting coach in the San Francisco Giants organization.

ONECoach is now part of The Sports Spectrum Network. To honor your coach, visit OneCoach Wall of Honor page.