Spring 2025

ONE COACH: Stand Up and Be Counted - Mickey Weston

“Nevertheless many even of the rulers believe in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God.” (John 12:42-43)

Sports fans are unique individuals. They will dress up in their favorite team’s jersey or colors. They will paint their faces and their bodies to prove their allegiance. They will scream and clap unashamedly for their team, win or lose. They want everyone that they run into to know who they support. They don’t fear what anyone would say or think about them.

It should be the same for those who have put our trust in Jesus. Everyone who knows us should be able to tell where our allegiances lies. They should be able to tell by the way we talk, love, think, and the way we conduct ourselves. We don’t need to hang a banner or wear Christian t-shirts exclusively or carry our Bibles wherever we go to prove our allegiances, but we do need to live it out every day. The words “believe” and “confess” are action verbs.

Coach, as a follower of Jesus you are to proclaim Him through your words and through your actions. You have no reason to fear what man will say to you or what he can do to you. You are on the winning team, so stand up and be counted!

– Mickey Weston serves as the Executive Director of Unlimited Potential Inc. He played five seasons in the MLB for the Baltimore Orioles, Toronto Blue Jays, Philadelphia Phillies and New York Mets.

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