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Raiders Derek Carr: "My Savior, our Savior is Alive."

Raiders QB Derek Carr spoke to a group of people Saturday Night at an event called “The Night of Champions.”

The gathering was put on by Azusa Pacific University and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Carr was a featured speaker along with Olympian Barbara Nwaba.

Once on stage, a Facebook post by Nelly Huerta recorded 90 seconds of Carr’s speech and Derek made sure the audience knew who his savior was. “Jesus is real,” said Carr. “He’s alive and he’s going to continue to be alive so you can either get on board or not.”


Carr continued by preaching from Matthew 13:44 where it says: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”

In 2016, Carr had his breakout season in the NFL and led the Raiders to a 12-4 record. His year was cut short by a broken leg suffered in Week 16 vs the Colts but it was his response on Instagram the next day that caught a lot of attention. In the moment where he knew his season was over, he made sure he praised God. “He will be glorified.”

In 2015, Carr shared his story with The Increase about how his faith in Jesus wasn’t lining up with the way he was living his life.

Carr’s lasting message to the people at “The Night of Champions” was to simply let each person know how valued they are by Christ.  “My savior, our savior is alive. There is a treasure inside each and every person here. I’m here to share with you how much Jesus loves you.”