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Room for Jesus?

“You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3

The company where I work made enough profit last year that everyone was given a bonus this year. In addition, the president of the company came around to personally thank each person for the job he or she had done. When he came to my cubicle he chuckled. “It’s easy to see what you’re interested in,” he said. Yes, the walls of my cube are covered with newspaper clippings and photos of Steelers headlines, Pitt victories, Penguin goals and Pirate highlights. But also tucked in among the sports news was a lovely bulletin cover of Jesus with His disciples, and a picture of a cross with a Bible verse inscribed across it. Did the president notice those? Perhaps not, because they were sort of crowded out by everything else.

Is that how my life is as well? Can people see Jesus in me, or do I crowd Him out with sports and other pursuits? A little housecleaning might be in order, both at work and in my life.

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