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Seeing the Big Picture

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.” Matthew 10:29

Coaching a sports team as opposed to playing a sport can open your eyes to an entirely different aspect of sports. You go from playing a single position to looking at the team as a whole. There are the questions of strategy and playing time, who should start, when you should substitute, how you should play defense and offense, and what formation to play.

These aspects are what the coach has to develop, yet most athletes don’t consider these factors when playing. As a player, we have a tendency to think only about our position, section of the field or what we need to do to succeed.

In life, God sees the big picture, but often we get caught up looking at our needs and situations and lose the big picture. It often takes a year or two for us to look back, and then see how God worked out our little situation and fit it into the big picture. It may seem like we get lost sometimes, but God sees everything and will work out your situation for what is best for you, and for His ultimate glory.

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