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Video of the Week: MLB All-Star is "light in the outfield" for Christ

Largely behind the Washington Nationals first-half success (six-game lead over the rest of the NL East), is 2016 NL All-Star Daniel Murphy.

Murphy, in his first year with the Nationals and eighth year in the League, is leading the MLB with a .348 batting average and is fifth in RBIs with 66 on the season thus far. It has been a career year for Murphy — earning him a trip to San Diego for the 2016 MLB All-Star game last Tuesday.

Much like his season thus far, Murphy came through in the Midsummer Classic — knocking two singles in three plate appearances.

Back in 2009, in his second season with the New York Mets, Murphy sat down with CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) to discuss his journey of faith in Jesus Christ and how God has impacted his career as an MLB outfielder.

“I wouldn’t be here without what the Lord has done to me in my life and the situation he’s put me in with my family,” Murphy said in the CBN video, featured above. “He’s put me, fortunately, on this stage, on the greatest athletic stage in all of the world, for a reason. And I think that reason is to try to be a light.”

Murphy, amid the pressures of playing in the MLB — especially in New York — had to rely on his faith to keep him grounded and focused.

When times of frustration would arise in the outfield — missed catches, off-target throws, fly balls lost in the sun — Murphy’s instincts pushed him toward a sinful response. But when he remembered his true identity — his faith in Jesus — he was able to take a step back and let the frustration pass.

As the second half of the MLB season gets underway and the Nationals continue to make their run at an NL East title, Murphy will have his Lord and Savior to help him deal with the pressures of success.

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