Fall 2024

Daily Devotional: Tuesday, October 22 - The Good Shepherd

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me — just as the Father knows me and I know the Father — and I lay down my life for the sheep.” — John 10:14-15

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My daughter owns two cats: Peanut Butter and Manu (yes, she named a cat after former Spurs player Manu Ginobili). She cares for her cats like they are her children. She feeds and houses them, takes them to the veterinarian for their medical needs, and spends time with them. She protects them from anyone or anything that would try to harm them. She sacrifices time and money for her cats. In essence, she is their shepherd. A shepherd feeds, protects and leads a flock of sheep.

In John 10:11, Jesus tells us that He is the Good Shepherd. Not only is He our shepherd that feeds, protects and leads us, but He specifies that He is good. Infinitely beyond the goodness my daughter demonstrates to her cats, Jesus demonstrates goodness to us as His sheep. His followers are the sheep and He is our Good Shepherd.

In John 10:14, Jesus tells us that He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. They have a relationship with Him. Jesus not only provides us with physical food, but He also feeds us spiritually so we can grow to become more like Him. He protects us from spiritual and physical attack. He leads and guides us. And He made the ultimate sacrifice for us — He laid down His life for us.

So if you are wondering today whether anyone cares for you, remember that Jesus is your Good Shepherd. He cares for you, and you get to know His voice through a personal relationship with Him.

— Ikki Soma, Iowa Wolves chaplain

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