“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.” — Ecclesiastes 12:13
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How many times in life have we made the statement, “If I knew then what I know now!”? If I had a nickel for every time I have made that statement, I’d be a wealthy man.
Often, when I see a true freshman or even a transfer walk on an SEC campus for the first time, I can sense how overwhelming it might be. They can do everything imaginable to prepare themselves for the days ahead, but there are always things they wished they knew before to better prepare them for the journey of college football.
Take a look at Solomon’s story. After his father David’s death, the Lord gave him practically a blank check and wrote it for whatever he wanted. Instead of asking for money, fame or political power, Solomon simply asked the Lord for wisdom. And if you study his life, you find that he was one of the smartest men to ever live — except when it came to spiritual things. I could almost see him referred to as “the prodigal” of the Old Testament.
When we come to the Book of Ecclesiastes, I see Solomon basically saying, “Let me give you some advice about life.” And throughout this book, he reminds us of three practical truths.
First, he reminds us that true happiness is not found in things. We can want money, houses, cars and many material things, but these will never bring happiness because happiness is only found in Jesus Christ.
Second, he reminds us that life is short. He uses so many analogies about the body and how quickly it fails. Life is here but for a moment and then it vanishes away.
And lastly, he reminds us to remember the Lord while we are young. The easiest time to come to Christ is when you are not laden down with so many things.
— Scott Nicholson, Mississippi State football chaplain
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