Daily Devotional: Thursday, May 5 - Fan or Follower

“Then he said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.'” — Luke 9:23

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I remember using Kyle Idleman’s book and video guide “Not a Fan” when leading a small group on Sunday mornings. It was the first time I was ever challenged with the concept of being just a fan of God. I remember praying and doing some serious self-evaluation during that study. Was I a true follower of Christ, or just a fan?

I used to love playing various forms of Follow the Leader when I was a kid — particularly when we would ride our bikes. The leader would choose which road or path to take. As followers, it was our job to keep up and stay on the right path, making accurate right and left turns. I must admit that I enjoyed the role of being the leader rather than the follower. My personality enjoyed being in charge and making the decisions, rather than just following and obeying the route of the leader.

God calls us as believers to be followers. Christ is our ultimate Leader and He wants us to obey and follow His leading for our life. So many times, we want to lead and be in charge. Our sinful nature wants to take control and we think we know what’s best for our lives. It is when we truly submit to the Lord and follow His path that we transition from a casual Christian to a committed Christian.

Many believers claim to love Christ, but in reality they are just fans. They fail to be “all in” — totally sold out for Christ. Sure, they love the concept of being a Christian and want God’s blessing on their lives. They attend church and even give some money when the offering plates are passed by. But deep down inside their heart and soul, they know they are holding back. They’ve accepted Christ as Savior, but they just want the comfortable life. One quote I’ve heard says, “The comfortable road will never lead you to the life you were destined to live.” God calls us to be uncomfortable. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!

When Jesus called His disciples, they all had pretty comfortable lives. They were settled in and had good occupations. But then Jesus came along and said, “Follow me.” Get ready to be uncomfortable. I love how Scripture explains their responses: Immediately they followed Him. That’s a true follower — someone who immediately follows Christ. They say “yes” to God before they know His question.

I was a fan of Christ for many years. Then God broke me and took me from being casual to committed. My heart’s desire is to be sold out, 100% committed in following Christ and His perfect will for my life. What about you? Are you a fan or follower?

Prayer: “Dear God, today I want to go from just being a fan of You to being a true follower. I want to be all in and 100% committed to You. Lead me as I desire to follow You.”

— Jim Good

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