During baseball season, only those wearing an official jersey take the field, and the goal is to get a run. But on Nov. 18, the Augusta GreenJackets invited everyone to join them on the diamond — and on this day, getting a walk was considered a win.
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The GreenJackets, the Single-A affiliate of the Atlanta Braves, are known in the area for their community-based outlook and generosity. To raise awareness and support for those in need of safe water, the organization opened its facilities to support Water Mission’s Walk for Water event. People from all over the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) in Georgia and South Carolina came together for this important cause.
“Our goal at SRP Park has always been to be a community venue and partner to host events like the CSRA Water Mission Walk for Water,” said August GreenJackets Vice President Tom Denlinger. “This event not only allows us to showcase SRP Park but allows attendees to take the field of the GreenJackets with a beautiful backdrop and really show what it’s like to have to walk for water. Over the years, a number of our staff have also become more engaged to raise funds and awareness for the global water crisis through this event. We love hosting the Walk at SRP Park and look forward to growing it and continuing to make a positive impact on the road to eliminate the water crisis.”

(Photo courtesy of Water Mission)
Around the world, 2 billion people lack access to safe water. Millions of women and children walk more than three miles to collect water for their families every day. Often, this water is not safe to drink, resulting in illness and even death. Water Mission is a Christian engineering nonprofit committed to providing safe water and sharing the Living Water message of Jesus Christ.
During the Walk for Water at SRP Park, more than 400 people grabbed an empty bucket, walked about 1.5 miles, filled the bucket with dirty water, and carried it back 1.5 miles. This three-mile journey simulated what many women and children globally do each day to find water.

(Photo courtesy of Water Mission)
“My thought is always about the passion so many of us have for our sports teams,” shared Reverend Jeff Flowers, a long-time baseball fan and the emcee of the CSRA Walk for Water. “When the opportunity arises to translate such passion into a life-changing experience, we realize we have traded a temporary experience for an impact that has eternal ramifications.
“At the ballpark, I generally walk less than 20 yards in any direction to get clean, cool water on a hot summer day without any thought of it being unclean. I am grateful for the perspective Walk for Water gives all of us who, frankly, take such a resource for granted.”
The Walk for Water raised nearly $13,000, which will provide more than 250 people with clean, safe water around the world.
“Walks for Water have tremendous impact in mobilizing a local community,” said Water Mission National Walks Coordinator Heather Fleming. “They serve as a catalyst for awareness and advocacy, in addressing the global water crisis. With more than $860,000 raised through Walk for Water events so far in 2023, Walks make an incredible impact in providing safe, clean water across the world. It is amazing to see more than 4,450 walkers across 42 Walk locations come together, all with the common goal of raising funds and awareness for the global water crisis. We’re thankful for everyone who has walked so others don’t have to.”
To learn more about Water Mission and to find a Walk for Water near you, click here.
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