Summer 2024

Wednesday March 8, 2017 - Daily Devotional

“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.” – Genesis 1:27

In Gods Image

Our daughter just began her first season of t-ball. She is so excited and is thoroughly enjoying the experience. But, there is a little girl on her team who is even more excited. This precious little 5 year old was born with Down’s Syndrome. At practice she smiles at everyone she sees and does everything with much enthusiasm. She makes everyone smile when she runs the ball all the way from shortstop to first base instead of trying to throw it there. She makes us all laugh in delight when she hollers, “Hi Mom!” to her mom on the bleachers. She is simply precious. She makes playing t-ball a richer experience for our daughter.

This little gal was born with a different body and a different brain than most of us. But, she was made in God’s image and she is incredibly precious. Sometimes we need to remember that the person who looks a little different than me or acts a little different than me – well, they were created in God’s image too, just like me.

— Pam Timmer