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Friday March 31, 2017 - Daily Devotional

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. – Colossians 3:23 


Practice is not easy. Film study can be boring. Pizza tastes so much better than salad.

Being an athlete is hard. It takes effort, time, attention, and discipline to stay at the top of your game and to continue to improved.

If you are very talented and successful, it can be tempting to slack off and get by on natural ability. If you are not at the top of the depth chart, it can be easy to coast and do just enough for your coaches to stay off your back.

The Bible says that, whatever you are doing, you should do it as if you are working for the Lord. That includes weight lifting sessions, running through the end of the sprint, studying the playbook, and going to all of the “optional” workouts for your team.

That passage also means you need to set aside time for Bible study, commit to community service, do your homework, take care of your chores, and even watch what you eat…for the Lord.

In everything that you do, the Bible is clear that you need to bring your absolute best. Not to please your coach, your parents, your teammates, or even yourself. But do your best so that God can use you in every way that He sees fit.

– Jamie Boggs