Fall 2024

Daily Devotional - Friday April 21, 2017

“…upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18 (KJV)

No Dunks Allowed

The 2013 NBA Finals provided one of the most profound defensive plays in recent memory. In Game

2, San Antonio Spurs center Tiago Splitter, who’s 6-foot-11, caught a pass from a teammate and rose to throw down what seemed sure to be a thunderous dunk. Splitter had force and downward momentum in his favor as he approached the basket, but that was no match for the strong right hand of 6-8 Miami Heat forward LeBron James.

James rose with his arm raised high to protect the basket. When the ball arrived, his hand stopped it and bent back only slightly before tilting forcefully forward to send the ball right back at Splitter, preventing the score.

From an eternal perspective, God acts in a similar way, repelling every attempt of the enemy to prevail over a Church that Jesus promised would never be vanquished.

The Bible says “the LORD’s right hand has done mighty things” (Psalm 118:16, NIV) and that He is “a strong tower against the enemy” (Psalm 61:3, ESV).

We’re also told that God is our “rear guard” (Isaiah 52:12, 58:8, multiple versions). That means he’s got our back!


(PHOTO CREDIT: Keith Allison)