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Daily Devotional - Thursday June 1, 2017

“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” —Romans 15:4

Hearing the Voice of God

We hear people talk about hearing God’s voice but what does that actually mean? How can we be in tune with what the Holy Spirit might be speaking to us? God provided encouragement, instruction, and wisdom through the holy words of Scripture. All of us can become more and more hungry, and at the same time, more satisfied and enlightened when we are being fed the Word of God daily.

God’s Word is a great way to know about God, but we don’t want to stop there. God desperately wants us not only to know about Him, but to really know Him—who He is and who we are as His children. As we read His words and speak to Him through prayer, we can really get to know Him and enjoy the fruit of the Holy Spirit that He gives us.

The closer we become in our relationship with God, the more easily we will hear His Spirit speaking to us through His Word, through prayer, and through the community of other Christians who are seeking to know Him as well. Our God longs to be known by His children so that we can experience the fullness of His presence.

– Derek Carr, Oakland Raiders QB