National Championship

Daily Devotional - Tuesday June 6, 2017

“Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load” – (Galatians 6:4-5 NIV)

It is a pretty common sports cliché to say that, in order to be great, “you have to want the ball.”  NFL wide receivers are always the guys that seem like they “want the ball.” Some people use that as a way to justify being selfish, but I don’t think that is what it means at all.  It means that you have to be confident in yourself and your abilities, and you have to be able to handle the pressure that may be put on you. Perhaps it could be more accurately worded as “you have to be confident enough to accept responsibility.” I guess that’s not as catchy, though.

I think this also applies to following God.  I think the majority of us get really scared when we are asked to take on a large responsibility.  I remember the first time the youth pastor at our church asked me to take over while he was out of town.  I was freaking out.  Surely there was somebody in the church more qualified and experienced than me.  I knew I would mess up something.  I stressed so much over that one Wednesday evening program that I nearly made myself sick.  I didn’t want the ball. 

I had zero confidence in not only my ability to teach, but the responsibility of helping 40-50 teenagers grow closer to Christ through worship and fellowship.  I was sure I was going to mess up so horribly that half of them would never come back and those that did would only do it out of spite.  You know what happened?  The teenagers showed up, we worshiped, we spent time in fellowship, and I talked about some Biblical truths that were important in my life.  Everything was as smooth as could be, and as far as I know, nobody denounced their faith and vowed to never return.

We always come up with these horrible scenarios that could happen if we accept responsibility for something.  In our minds, the absolute worst case scenario is often the probably scenario.  That almost NEVER happens.  God puts us into positions so that we can serve.  To use another cliché, “God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called.”  So for whatever expertise or experience you are lacking, God will provide in greater ways than you could ever imagine.  But if we always say no due to fear, we never give Him the chance to.

You have to want the ball.  You have to want to serve, so that God can use you.  You must be confident in yourself, and in the fact that God will not ask you to do something that you cannot do with His help.

Have you ever said no to an opportunity due to fear?

– Jamie Boggs