Summer 2024

Daily Devotional - Friday September 1, 2017

“For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone If we live we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” – Romans 14:7-8


It was almost game time again, and like I had done so many times before throughout my high school basketball career, I was praying. I asked God to help me do my best and realize that’s all that I could do. When I was younger, I would get upset and even cry every time my team lost. I knew that I had given my best effort. Eventually, I started to realize that my best effort was all that was required of me, so I asked God to help me realize this. God did help me, because I started to not be as hard on myself. I still gave my best effort and learned from my mistakes, but I realized that God only asks for our best.

Romans 14:7-8 reminds us that we do indeed live for God, and not for ourselves. Therefore, when we work or strive to achieve a goal, we are doing it for God.

Let us live for God then! Do your best for the Lord in whatever walk of life you are part of. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t always achieve your desired results, but realize that your best for the Lord is all that is required.

David Noell