National Championship

Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional - Friday, February 9, 2018

“We know that an idol is nothing at all in the world and that there is no God but one.” – 1 Corinthians 8:4

Worthless Idols

I sit in the stands at the school where I teach and watch my students play sports throughout the year. There’s one thing I see that is always consistent, whether I’m watching football, volleyball, basketball, soccer, baseball, softball, or track. I see parents who worship sports, sometimes much more than their children. I watch some families make sporting events their “church” a place they go to worship. Nothing comes before the game. Nothing is more important—not school or family, and certainly not God.

There is only One who is worthy of worship, and that is God. Any person or thing that comes before Him serves as an idol in our lives. Scripture has a lot to say about idolatry and it is never approved by God. So, I can only imagine how it must break His heart to see those He created to worship Him, turn aside to direct that adoration elsewhere. There are so many things in this life that we get passionate about; sometimes it is a sport or a job, a relationship or hobby. But the zeal we have for the things of this world should never surpass the love and devotion we give to the Lord.

We have to be so careful to keep our priorities in order. It can be difficult, but the Bible tells us that idols are worthless. They cannot offer us one thing that we don’t already have from the Lord. The only God is the one true God. Make a commitment today to tear down any idols that you’ve placed in priority above Him.


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