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Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional - Tuesday, March 20, 2018

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

Is the Putter Really the Problem?

Have you ever walked into a golf equipment store and been paralyzed by the number and variety of putters? Where do you begin? Some guys seemingly buy them all at some point, convinced their putting problems are because they haven’t found the right putter. They embark on an endless pursuit to find a magic wand, when what they most often lack is confidence in the one they have.

Does your life sometimes feel like that? Like you’ve tried everything to gain stability in your life and you are convinced that if you can just hit on the right thing then it will all fall into place?

The Apostle Paul knew looking through the equipment rack for life’s perfect putter was futile if the golfer (person) was ill-equipped to deal with life’s changing circumstances. When he penned, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippines 4:13), he never intended it to be a pithy inspirational verse to boost our confidence. He wrote it as a declaration that regardless of life’s circumstances, Jesus is immovable—and if we are anchored to Him by faith we will be content in all circumstances, and the stability found in Christ then strengthens us.

The pursuit of a stress-free life begins to fade when we develop a deeper affection for Jesus. Paul’s confidence in Christ was unwavering, and as a result he found contentment regardless of temporal circumstances.

How about you? Regardless of what happens, good or bad, are you focused on Jesus, glorifying Him with your actions? Quit shopping for options. Take hold of the solution.


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