Spring 2025

Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional - Tuesday, July 3, 2018

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” — Romans 15:5-6

Attitude and Commitment

Most of them were not soccer players. Of the 20 girls who showed up for tryouts, only eight had ever played prior to stepping onto the field that cold February day. They were basketball stars, former softball players, actresses, musicians and homecoming queens. They were not soccer players.

Yet, the 2003 Hickory Grove Christian School girls’ team represented something much bigger than a simple game. They were the first girls’ soccer team in school history.

No one expected much. The challenge of starting a new program at the varsity level, in a highly competitive conference, was a tough task. The girls never complained about the extreme conditioning workouts, the frigid temperatures or the muddy field. They were committed, not just to the game of soccer, but more importantly to the team and the mission. They didn’t offer excuses, but rather solutions to band together when things got tough.

Despite losing many games to start the season, the girls were already champions. Off the field, I watched them serve the community through various service projects with Alzheimer’s patients. On the field, they played with class and determination. That’s why it was no surprise when the team won its first game by the middle of the season. Nobody expected it … except us.

As Christians, God calls us to serve a higher purpose than that of self-centeredness. He is looking for team players, not individual superstars who seek personal awards and recognition. He doesn’t want our excuses as to why we “can’t.” God is looking for those who have the right attitude and commitment to overcome the long odds to bring glory to Him.

What areas in your life right now need a change in attitude and/or commitment?

Corey Thompson

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