Spring 2025

Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional - Friday, September 14, 2018

“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.”  — 2 Corinthians 4:17

“Don’t give in! Only 30 more seconds!”

Your arms begin to tremble as you support the 45-pound weight on your back while holding a plank position. The goal is to hold the weight for one minute and although halfway there, it feels like you have been holding it for an hour.

Thirty seconds later, the strength coach yells out, “Time’s up, relax.” Your partner removes the weight and you drop to the floor.

Now when you think about it, one minute is nothing. That’s two commercials in between the game on television. The 45-pound weight is what makes the task afflicting.

This can translate to our spiritual life. When we are in the middle of a trial, affliction or hardship, we often feel like time is standing still. The situation is not improving. One minute can feel like an eternity.

A friend is murdered. A family member has been diagnosed with cancer. You get passed over for your dream job. All of your friends are getting engaged and married and you are still single. Whatever the case may be, you may feel as if time has stopped and you are stuck in the mire of your affliction and it will last forever.

In the moment, holding the weight on your back is challenging and seems as if time will never be up. But in reality, that one challenging minute is preparing you for the moment in the fourth quarter when your team needs one more play to win the game. You think back on that affliction and how it has given you the strength to fight through.

God uses our afflictions to show the world a more clear picture of Jesus. If you are in the midst of an affliction, or when the next one comes, hold fast! It will only be light and momentary compared to the eternal glory coming our way!

David Bentley

If you would like to submit a reader devotional, please email all submissions to jason@sportsspectrum.com.

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