National Championship

Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional - Tuesday, September 25, 2018

“But now thus says the Lord, He who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine.” — Isaiah 43:1

Do you ever feel like you’re in practice and can’t seem to master the skill? The three-step drop, the footwork on your jump shot, the proper angle on hitting the baseball, whatever it is, you’re having trouble getting there. As you continue to struggle and the frustration begins to mount, you hear your coach’s voice. “That’s it.” “Keep it up.”

Your coach continues encouraging you even though you feel you’re still not getting it. Finally, you ask your coach if you are actually making improvements or not. They go on to tell you that although it may not be perfect, you are improving and they love seeing their players improve, whether big or small.

This is how God sees us as His children. Although we stumble or make minimal progress, God never leaves our side. In addition, He rejoices and is pleased with us because we are His. He bought us at a steep price — the life of His Son, Jesus.

Just as the coach may not scold or express disappointment with minimal progress, and rather gives encouragement and approval because we are their player, God does the same in our walk with Him because we are His.

David Bentley

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