Spring 2025

Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional - Wednesday, February 20, 2019

“Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” — John 16:24

Desired Joy

Joy: the most sought-after emotion a human being can desire; the greatest extension of the grace Jesus has freely given us. This is the power of the joy we have access to on a daily basis, yet tragically miss out on often. 

I have found myself frequently looking at all the situations in which I’m in the complete presence of joy, compared to the situations in which I seem to be floundering. It has always come down to how I prioritize the order of focus in the situation. When I put my problems first, based on what I can do, it’s never had a good ending.

Jesus first in all situations, others next, and then ourselves. This simple order not only has saved me from issues, but has always been the answer I have needed for the joy I greatly desire. 




Put them in order and you will always find JOY.

— Erik Olson, Pass the Rock Ministries founder

If you would like to submit a reader devotional, please email all submissions to jason@sportsspectrum.com.

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