Spring 2025

Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional: Tuesday, July 16, 2019

“For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think.” — Isaiah 55:8 (MSG)

Put Down The Brush

Recently I visited an art museum in New York City. It was an interesting experience. Being cultured and learning new things I don’t have much knowledge on is something I enjoy. I remember looking at these abstract paintings and trying to understand what the artist was expressing. As much as I can try to see it one way, the artist truly knows what they were creating and the representation developed. Some didn’t make sense to me and my interpretation was far off.

At times this is my walk with God. 

As people, we have this “idea” of what we think of our lives should look like. This is how I envision things to happen, this is how I want to or expect to feel. The truth is, God has a different picture in mind for almost all of us. We don’t have the capacity to think on His level and see the representation of His work because we are caught up in what we are trying to create. Our interpretation of what the Artist is painting is nothing like we imagined but we try to figure it out anyway. 

Seeking God with all of our mind, soul and heart will guarantee us to see things His way and not rely on our thoughts and feelings. God has promised time and time again in the Bible that by seeking Him you will see Him in everything. He will not leave you empty-handed.

I want to encourage you today to put down that brush. Pray for the picture but let God do the work. It isn’t important to understand the picture but necessary to understand the artist. Seek His face and you will understand. 

— Erik Olson, Pass the Rock Ministries founder

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