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Daily Devotional: Thursday, December 9 - 'Damascus Road Experience'

“As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him.” — Acts 9:3

Have you had a “Damascus Road Experience?” On your journey through life, did God ever show up? I’m talking about a time where Christ showed up in your life in a big way.

This is exactly what happened to Saul on his journey to Damascus. God showed up in his life and He showed up big time. Acts 9:3 says, “… suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him.” This was God showing up to meet Saul. This encounter would change his life forever.

That’s what an encounter with Christ will do — a true encounter with Jesus Christ will change your life forever. He was no longer Saul; his new name became Paul. Saul not only got a new name but also a new identity. His identity was not in what he did, but in Christ and in Him alone.

As believers and true followers of Christ, our identity is in Him, in Christ, and what He did for us on the cross of Calvary. Jesus paid that ultimate price for our sins. He willingly gave up His life for me and for you. Our identity is in that and that alone. Be cautious of getting caught up with placing your identity in what what you do. Your true identity is in Whose you are. It’s not in what you do or the occupation you have. Be grateful today for the free gift of salvation and the identity you can have in Christ.

Second Corinthians 5:17 (NLT) tell us, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” After his “Damascus Road Experience,” this was Paul’s testimony. He was a new creation. He was no longer persecuting Christians and being responsible for their deaths, but rather sharing the Gospel of Christ and the relationship we can have with Him. Paul spent the rest of his life being an ambassador for the Lord.

What about you? Are you grateful that God chose you? Has He changed you? Are you thankful for your “Damascus Road Experience?” I know I am. Every day, I praise God for my salvation and the many incredible lessons He has taught me throughout my life. I’m learning to thank God every day for my salvation and His unconditional love and forgiveness.

I’m grateful for the shoulder surgery while playing college basketball, what God had to teach me about priorities and keeping Him No. 1 in my life. I’m grateful for how He changed me on the inside. While coaching, He used a basketball game for me to rediscover my “why” again. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t thank Him for that loss we experienced. I’m so grateful for that day, that moment, when He showed up in my life and broke me. I’m humbled that God allows me to serve Him, and I’m so thankful for His forgiveness when I was placing my identity in what I did rather than in Him and Him alone.

I’m a new person. Are you?

— Jim Good

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