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Daily Devotional: Wednesday, January 19 - Don't Forsake Meeting Together

“The LORD God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.'” — Genesis 2:18

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During the pandemic, I became comfortable watching church on my computer from home. I never realized how much I missed fellowshipping and worshipping with other believers until I attended a small gathering of 10 individuals, spread out and masked in a room that held 500. As the worship leader began to lead us in a song, I suddenly felt tears rolling down my cheeks. Something touched me deep inside as I worshipped with others.

From the beginning, God made it clear that He created us for relationships. He said in Genesis 2:18, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” Modern science has proven that chronic isolation has a negative effect on our physical, mental and emotional well-being.

God instructs us not to forsake gathering together as believers. He knows we need each other to be encouraged and built up in our faith. Without the support of other believers, we are vulnerable to becoming lukewarm in our faith and an easy target for Satan.

There are many reasons we may abandon meeting together. Perhaps we have allowed our work, hobbies, sports or something else to become of higher importance in our lives. Maybe we have had a bad experience in the past or find it difficult to venture out and find a community of believers. Whatever the reason, remember that God gives His instruction to us out of love and concern.

— Karen Zando, NWSL’s Orlando Pride chaplain

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