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Daily Devotional: Friday, February 11 - We Can All Do Something

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” — Hebrews 10:24-25

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What makes a church the Church?

In these modern times, and especially during the pandemic, the idea of gathering together in our local church as one physical body has been set aside. This has resulted in many levels of grief and sorrow. But Scripture calls us to not forsake meeting together in Hebrews 10:25, which was written way back in history when people risked their lives to meet together as Christians.

The pandemic has surely made these barriers quite evident, causing issues such as fear of getting sick, seeing decreased attendance, feeling discouraged, and watching churches morph into financial survival mode. All the while, members try to continue being the Church.

From the parents trying to raise Godly children to the seniors missing a huge part of fellowship time, the loss of the Church as it was before the pandemic has hit us all. We have seen a lot of churches during the pandemic stop contacting vulnerable people within their ranks in favor of asking those with deep pockets to help pay the bills, cutting volunteer programs, and cutting back on community outreaches, among many other changes.

But despite all these things, God has put in us as believers a spiritual desire to stay connected. One of the first and greatest steps is prayer — a personal connection to God to hear and be heard. Once connected, the Holy Spirit can help change our perspective and help us to see the Church as He does. The second step is action! That can be continuing to pray, attending online church Bible studies, sending a meal to someone in the church who is sick, or whatever else the Spirit prompts you to do.

God calls us ALL to do something with others who also believe in Him — the Church. Don’t let the pandemic and its fears stop you. Your contribution doesn’t have to be accompanied by fireworks or a marching parade, but we can all do something to help the Church. Whether we are a little toe or an elbow, we are needed to support and encourage each other (1 Corinthians 12:15-20).

What can you do to help the Church today?

— Mary Nuckols

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