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Daily Devotional: Wednesday, September 28 - Preview Of Who's To Come

“This is an illustration for the present time, indicating that the gifts and sacrifices being offered were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper. They are only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washings — external regulations applying until the time of the new order.” — Hebrews 9:9-10

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When my family and I go on our annual family vacation, we always go watch a movie together. And not just any movie, we usually go see a blockbuster. This year, we saw “Top Gun: Maverick” a few days before it was officially released. We arrived early, got snacks and made ourselves comfortable in our luxurious seats.

Before the movie came on, we sat through the previews. The movie previews give you enough of a movie’s storyline to get you excited about the coming attraction, but the preview isn’t the movie. The movie previews are simply an illustration or foreshadowing of what is to come.

As the Israelites fled Egypt in the Book of Exodus, God established a system of sacrifices and offerings. The tabernacle was also built to house the sacrificial system. Before a holy and perfect God who is offended by sin, there must be atonement, a satisfactory payment for the offense. Bulls and goats were killed, sacrificed and burned on the bronze altar as that satisfactory payment.

But the sacrificial system and the tabernacle were just a preview of what was to come. In Hebrews 9:9-10, the writer is writing to Jewish Christians who are discouraged and thinking about throwing in the towel. The writer tells us that the tabernacle and sacrificial system were simply a preview of Jesus Christ.

First, thank God that Christ’s death on the cross was satisfactory payment for your sin. Second, tell one person today about Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

— Ikki Soma, Houston Rockets chaplain

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