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Daily Devotional: Friday, January 13 - Shout To The Lord

“Shout for joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious.” — Psalm 66:1-2

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In 1998, I had the blessing from God to help coach a group of dedicated Christian young women. We didn’t win any basketball state championships, and our season record was 17-6. However, that season was one of the most incredible spiritual experiences of my life.

At the end of practice each day, every girl was expected to stand toe to toe with me — my nose about 2 inches away from theirs — and at the top of their lungs boldly proclaim the team shout. I still have a picture of that group on my wall in my office. I can joyfully hear each of them shouting in my face. I truly believe that that daily routine instilled boldness in each of them.

At the end-of-season banquet, each girl stood up at the front of the room looking like a million dollars. One at a time, in front of parents, classmates and friends, they each recited the team shout in my face and received a deafening applause. A few weeks later, they came to my church and willingly (kind of) repeated the process. My church family was stunned.

Each time practice ended that year, my heart would almost burst with joy for them as those young daughters of God, with fire and boldness in their eyes, shouted words they believed more and more each day. It still warms my heart when I think about those practices: young women standing up with fire and faith to a big, old man who purposely had a mean look on his face. I can’t ever thank them enough for those wonderful afternoons in 1998.

The words of that shout need to be something that more and more people are willing to yell from the rooftops. Some of the words may need to be adjusted, but they can change your life too. If you don’t believe me, just try it. Stand up and shout these words and just see if it doesn’t change something inside:

My name is ____ and I am a blessed daughter/son of God,

Living in abundance and praising the Almighty.

I’m on the top and not the bottom.

I’m above and not beneath.

I have victory and not defeat.

I’m an overcomer and not an underachiever.

I’m not just saved, I have stepped over the line for Jesus.

I won’t look back, let up, slow down, shut up, back off or be still.

I am proud to be a blessed daughter/son of God Almighty.

— Mike Sublett, Pastor of Hi-Land Christian Church, Pampa, Texas

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