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Daily Devotional: Wednesday, March 22 - Spur One Another

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…” — Hebrews 10:24

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I was on a lengthy phone call with my good friend, Sam Johnson, the team chaplain for the San Antonio Spurs. Our wives were enjoying brunch together, so we decided to catch up over the phone. He asked me a question about what I do to prepare sermons, and after I gave him an answer, he challenged me to take my sermon preparation up a notch. He was spurring me on.

Now, I find it coincidental that the logo for the San Antonio Spurs is an actual spur and that Sam is a team chaplain for them. A spur is on the end of a cowboy boot and is used to get a horse to start moving. That word “spur” can mean to provoke or stimulate. That’s why the writer of Hebrews uses the word “spur” in Hebrews 10:24. We are to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

Picture some sharp spurs digging into the belly of a horse and provoking it to start galloping. That is what we are to do as the family of God — we are to spur one another.

And that’s what Sam was doing with me. He wants me to be the best preacher I can be, he wants me to maximize the abilities God has given me, so he spurs me on. And because Sam is my brother in Christ, I spur him on as well. Whom do you need to spur on toward love and good deeds?

— Ikki Soma, Houston Rockets chaplain

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