Fall 2024

Daily Devotional: Thursday, June 15 - Ready To Share

“Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.” — 1 Timothy 6:18 (NASB)

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Something interesting happened this spring in the parking lot of our school. We have an outside basketball goal located in the lower lot, and at the beginning of spring, a basketball was placed in the base of the goal.

Believe it or not, the basketball is still there. The ball is played with after school and then put back. On weekends, there is a group that rents our soccer field and some of the kids who are there will come down and play basketball, and then put the ball back. The amazing thing is that whoever uses the court and uses the ball continues to share the ball with people they don’t even know. No one steals or loses the ball. The ball stays there with the goal day after day, through all kinds of weather and use.

The kindness and goodness of the users of the court impacts people they may not even know. It’s an amazing parallel of the power of kindness and sharing. Very similar to dropping a pebble in the lake, the ripple effect goes on and on. We may never know how our choice to be kind, to share, or to give will impact our neighbors, or even generations after us.

Perhaps the greatest thing to share is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sharing the Gospel can impact people we know directly and people we don’t even know for generations to come. The compelling lesson of a standalone basketball goal and ball in a school parking lot is to do good and to be ready to share, in season and out of season.

— Frick Frierson

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