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Daily Devotional: Wednesday, October 4 - Give Him Your Coat

“John answered, ‘Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.'” — Luke 3:11

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I recently moved to Des Moines, Iowa, to pastor a church, and because our campus is two blocks from Drake University, quite a few Drake athletes are part of the church. Our campus is in a neighborhood called Drake Park, and there are quite a few people in the area who are homeless. We have a unique and healthy blend at our church of college students, wealthy people, poor people, refugees, immigrants and white- and blue-collar workers.

One evening, our college pastor was with one of the men’s basketball players when they encountered a barefooted homeless man at the church. He shared how his shoes were stolen from him. With care and compassion, the pastor and athlete listened intently to the homeless man. Then, they shared the Gospel with him. But they didn’t stop there. The basketball player also asked, “What size shoes do you wear?” “Size 12,” the man replied.

The player instantly knew his shoes would fit, so he took them off and gave them to the homeless man. The pastor then gave the now-shoeless player a ride home to his apartment so he could avoid walking on the glass and rocks on the ground.

The player’s actions epitomized Luke 3:11 (above). He had more than two pairs of shoes, yet met someone who didn’t have any. If God graciously gives you more than you need, you have the opportunity to meet the needs of others. Whose needs can you meet today? As you’re serving others, pray that God would open a door to share the Gospel.

— Ikki Soma, former Houston Rockets chaplain

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