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Daily Devotional: Friday, December 22 - The One Who Never Changes

“He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind; for he is not a human being, that he should change his mind.” — 1 Samuel 15:29

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Being in professional sports can be a lot of fun. Everyone wants to be around you — to be your friend — when your team is winning, you’re playing or coaching effectively, and the fans and media outlets are praising you every chance they get.

But what about when all that stuff isn’t happening?

The fans and media turn on you. Fast. They will go from singing your praises one week to calling for your job the next. Only what you’ve done lately really seems to matter.

Take a moment and be grateful that your Heavenly Father doesn’t operate like this. God is completely unchanging, a doctrine called immutability. He relates to you as any other living being, but we can be confident in the fact that He has never and will never take back a promise He’s made, or affirm an action He’s labeled a sin in the Bible. The God who Abraham, David, Paul and so many other believers through the centuries communed with is the exact same God who meets you in the mornings during your daily devotional times.

God loves you the exact same in this very instant as He did when you first placed your trust in Him. You can be secure in your identity in Christ regardless of what circumstances you’re dealing with in life, and regardless of how others might be criticizing you. His voice is the only voice that ultimately matters.

Your true identity is rooted in the One who never changes, and you are free to walk in light of this glorious truth.

— Kevin Mercer

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