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Daily Devotional: Wednesday, July 10 - The Power Of Fellowship

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” — Hebrews 10:24-25

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Sports are an excellent way to bond with teammates in pursuit of a common purpose together. That kind of pursuit with others becomes a training ground for exposing weaknesses and growing in our abilities. We need each other to become our best.

The same holds true for our life with Jesus. We become our best, growing in the ways of Jesus, with others. That is why the earliest followers were committed to being together. And the center point for their “togetherness” was not a stage, pulpit or building — it was a table (Acts 2:42). It was in the eating and sharing of meals where they were able to vulnerably showcase their own helplessness and the need for each other and Jesus. It is where they took off masks and pushed aside false narratives and reputations for the sake of relationship with one another.

It’s still the same today. The table is where we can be unhurried, ask beautiful questions, and create an atmosphere for God to move. It is being willing to risk, knowing that relationships are where our greatest wounds can occur, but also where our greatest healings can happen. To commit to Jesus is to commit to follow Jesus together.

We often sacrifice vulnerability and commitment for reputation and status. The result is a society more lonely than ever. Therefore, we need to rekindle the fire of a community in pursuit of Jesus by being in pursuit of each other — around an ordinary table, doing life together.

— Tyler Keele, Tennessee Smokies chaplain

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