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Daily Devotional: Tuesday, July 23 - Faithfulness Leads To Surrender

“In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” — Luke 15:10

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I once coached a young lady who was determined to do everything on her own. She had a rough childhood and had grown accustomed to depending on herself. After years of disappointment, broken promises and the adults in her life failing her, she shut down. She was stubborn and unwilling to open her heart to new relationships or her mind to new ideas. At times she was not coachable, teachable or lovable, but God had a plan.

I began to pray for her heart and God allowed me to become a consistent presence in her life. She started to see that not all adults break promises or leave you high and dry. Slowly, she started to open up. Her teammates became her family, coaches became surrogate parents, and basketball became a safety net. Through the years, I often shared about Jesus with her, sent her to camp, and surrounded her with the things of God, but still she would not repent or allow God in.

I remained consistent and the Spirit of God finally wore her out. Out of the blue, she sent me a message: “Coach, I’m ready to accept Jesus into my heart.” As we prayed on the phone that night, I thought about a God who came after her like a lost coin or lost sheep, but also waited like a loving Father with a prodigal. Her sweet surrender came from years of nurturing, unconditional love and faith lived out before her.

What if someone’s surrender is locked to your obedience? Who is God asking you to faithfully walk with? Your faithfulness could lead to their surrender.

— Fleceia Comeaux, Houston Dash chaplain

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