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Daily Devotional: Wednesday, August 21 - All-Knowing

“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.” — Psalm 147:5

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Fans always seem to know what a player or team needs to do to be successful. When teams decide to let go of certain players, bring on new ones, or keep current ones who may be underperforming, we fans think we have a better idea of what should be done. When these things happen, not only do we think we have better insight, we listen to narratives from the outside that reinforce those beliefs, whether it’s the mainstream media or something on social media.

As fans, our information about our teams is just a fraction of what is true regarding the team’s situation. Every little thing management is doing isn’t always going to be reported. Players might have been unhappy and wanted out. There could have been salary cap restrictions. Whatever it may be, we don’t have all the information they do, but we still are prideful and arrogant enough to believe we know what is best for the team.

We often do this in our walk with Jesus as well, when we’re in the midst of a time of struggle and distress and we think that if this or that changed, things would be better. Sometimes, we even bring it to God and question Him as to why He is doing this. Those feelings may have some truth; sometimes, it’s natural to feel this way. But we don’t have the ability to see the bigger picture as He does. Interestingly, we know this truth as followers of Christ, but we still feel like our plan is sometimes better than His plan.

Psalm 147:5 says, “Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.” This verse reminds us that our understanding and knowledge of the world around us is only a small piece of the puzzle, whereas our Lord can see the whole picture and beyond. Trusting Him, especially during times of uncertainty, can be difficult because we want to know more and have control over as much as possible. But in the end, His plan will always be better than ours.

— Gannon Parker

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