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Daily Devotional: Tuesday, September 3 - Remember Who You Are

“Further, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you.” — Philippians 3:1

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Athletes often hear it said, “You are only as good as your last performance.” Unfortunately, many buy into this and believe their whole identity is based solely on how they perform as an athlete. Some pay a high price for believing this and may suffer from depression, get into drugs to cope, or make choices that negatively impact their life and the lives of those they love. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype of sports and forget that our real identity is found in Jesus.

God encouraged the Israelites to remember all He had done for them when they doubted themselves and their situations (1 Chronicles 16:12). In Joshua 4, they stacked stones as a visual reminder of what God had done. Paul told the Philippians that rejoicing in the Lord often and over again was a safeguard for their faith (Philippians 3:1, above).

We, too, need to remember. We need to remember who we are in Christ. The Bible tells us we are God’s children, chosen, adopted, His workmanship, secure, never alone, victorious, set free, a new creation. The list is almost endless.

Our sporting life has an expiration date. It will end. If our identity is merely based on who we are as an athlete, we will struggle. But if we are confident in who we are in Christ, we will be able to navigate that chapter of our life in healthy ways.

Enjoy your athletic or professional career, but do not allow it to define you. Remember who you are in Christ.

— Karen Zando, Orlando Pride team chaplain

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